ILIfe '11 Packaging with Composer
Using Composer, instead of snapshotting the install, drag the following files in their entirety into a new Composer window:
- Applications
- GarageBand
- iDVD
- iMovie
- iPhoto
- iWeb
- Library
- Application Support
- GarageBand
- iDVD
- iLife
- iLifeMediaBrowser
- iLifeSlideShow
- iPhoto
- ProApps
- Audio
- Apple Loops
- Apple Loops Index
- Documentation
- Applications
- iDVD
- iMovie
- iPhoto
- iWeb
- Applications
- Fonts
- AppleCasual.dfont
- BlairMdITC TT-Medium
- Bordeaux Roman Bold LET Fonts
- Cracked
- Handwriting - Dakota
- Palatino
- PortagoITC TT
- Frameworks
- iLifeFaceRecognition.framework
- iLifeKit.framework
- iLifePageLayout.framework
- iLifeSlideshow.framework
- iLifeSQLAccess.framework
- NyxAudioAnalysis.framework
- Internet Plug-Ins
- iPhotoPhotocast.plugin
- QuickLook
- GBQLGenerator.qlgenerator
- QuickTime
- AppleIntermediateCodec.component
- AppleMPEG2Codec.component
- Application Support
- System
- Library
- CoreServices
- CoreTypes.bundle
- PrivateFrameworks
- BrowserKit.framework
- iLifeMediaBrowser.framework
- ProKit.framework
- CoreServices
- Library
When you create your policy, force a restart at the end of it. The apps should all now launch fine and work correctly.Why the drag-into Composer instead of just using the snapshot? I've had some "iffy" results letting Composer update file bundles/packages - far better to deploy the complete file than the fragment which may or may not work. The caveat, of course, is if one of the frameworks gets updated by, say, 10.6.6 or a later update, then you may not be able to deploy this iLife package to a 10.6.6 machine without problems/issues - may need to rebuild it. But for those who need to deploy it now, here is a wat. Hopefully soon we'll see newer diffs for Composer (I haven't tried to see if the Composer bundled with Casper 8 has them).